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Mindy is due by tomorrow. I have decided to broach the subject. We were quite young when we encountered them as children. Has she forgotten completely? Will she think me uncivilized? Most civilized people these days would think a man innate if he were to start speaking of the wee ones in the forest. I wonder if there is a worthwhile comfort in being so civilized that your civilization cannot even conceive of the many layers of things happening just beyond their view? Better to be un-civilized I think. Uncivilized and knowledgable of all sorts of things others don’t even believe exist! I know its been awhile but I think of Melinda as family. Besides, there is a high possibility that she holds a fountain of information. She has lived here her entire life. There may be things she considers normal daily activity that would send a civilized human running screaming back to society. I wonder if the same could be said about her, if she would see society and come running back screaming to the deep woods?

-Edward Grayson Stone (Journal Entry 14)

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